Thursday, March 20, 2008


i have been asked by many people-"why dont you start a blog", (trena especially) so instead of writing about useless nonsence and gayness i'd rather write/profile people who have been an influence and friend in my life.

my first subject is my boy adam R. when i say my boy, he is, literally, "my boy" . he came straight out of my hairy fox hole. ive known adam going on about 8 years? yea, no more like 6 or 7. i first met him on a trip to mexico with a group of friends. he likes to tell me how, when he first saw mandy he was in attack mode and was plotting on how he would be able to hook up with her during the weekend in mex. silly adam, mandy woulda laughed at him first glance of seeing his private parts. adam only has one ball. after that trip we were pretty much gay lovers, we'd surf every morning, cruise to my house and play halo on x-box, get pizza from our favorite pizzaria amece's, and play more x-box. it was dope as hell. throughout the years adam and i have gone on many a surf trip, and have spent countless hours surfing and chillaxing together. i guess i chose adam to be my first subject because we actually had some pretty good quality time together today. man this makes me sound so gay, i swear i like chicks, and am a total player. anyways, so i came home a little early from work and my boy calls me up to see if i want to shred the gnar gnar, i looked at the report, and allthough it seemd less than desireable i went. adam and i paddled out to a completley empty line-up and caught some pretty fun waves. it was way better than it looked. anyway, during the many lulls we had time to talk, and bro out. something we hadnt done in a while. we got out, dryed off, french kissed, oh wait. and went our seperate ways. adam is a stud and an all around good guy, im glad to know he is someone i can count on when im down and out, and i know he feels the same way about me. thanks for being a good mate adam r. i will visit you at least once when you go to jail.


Trena said...

You better write you next post about ME! Since I was your inspiration for you to start a blog in the first place!

Katie said...

you better do an entry about me,, after all if Trena and I hadn't talked to you and Balessa at the Bid Ed then you would've never met Mandy!

Haws Paws said...

Dearest T-Dog,

I was thinking today about how I read your blog five months ago, and how I couldn't stop laughing at the "fox hole" comment. So today I thought to myself, "Self, let's look at T-Dog's blog and get a laugh." Fortunately for me, the blog hasn't changed since that time and I was able to get another laugh about the "fox hole" comment.

Stay Cool,
